Simple light switch system How to make a simple light switch system in UE4: 1) First create a "Point Light" and place it randomly on the map 2) Place a... Apparent Design 5:14 AM
Colourful 3D Spheres using V-Ray How to create it in 3DS Max: 1) First download V-Ray for 3Ds Max from Chaos Group ; 2) After you've installed V-Ray open 3Ds ... Apparent Design 8:21 AM
Soccerball - 3D Model How to create this model in 3Ds Max: 1) Create a Hedra by selecting Extended Primitives from Object Type; 2) At the ... Apparent Design 9:39 AM
First Project - Unreal Engine 4 This is my first project in Unreal Engine 4. I created a house interior using files from the Starter Content. Video Info Ge... Apparent Design 11:07 AM
Unreal Engine 4 - Shortcut keys There's also more shortcut keys: Group Objects = CTRL + G Ungroup Objects = SHIFT + G Copy Object While Dragging It = ALT Focus o... Apparent Design 10:47 AM
Solar System This was my second project that i made in UDK 3 years ago. Info 3D Sculpture Textures : Photoshop + Crazy Bump Shader Setup: -Textu... Apparent Design 8:47 AM
Forest enviroment This was one of my first project 3 years ago that I created it in UDK. Info Basic terrain editor Ground texture : -rock ... Apparent Design 8:42 AM